List of ArgumentsΒΆ
Currently, the script supports these arguments :
-h, --help Prints the basic help menu of the script and exits.
-i,--input Defines the input link to the comic/manga.
--print-index Prints the range index for links in the input URL
-V,--version Prints the VERSION and exits.
-u,--username Indicates username for a website.
-p,--password Indicates password for a website.
-v,--verbose Enables Verbose logging.
--sorting Sorts the download order.(VALUES = asc, ascending,old,new,desc,descending,latest,new)
-a, --auto Download new chapters automatically (needs config file!)
-c, --config Generates config file for autodownload function
-dd,--download-directory Specifies custom download location for the comics/manga.
-rn,--range Selects the range of Chapters to download (Default = All) [ Ex : --range 1-10 (This will download first 10 episodes of a series)]
--convert Tells the script to convert the downloaded Images to PDF or anything else. (Supported Values : pdf, cbz) (Default : No) [By default, script will not convert anything.]
--keep Tells the script whether to keep the files after conversion or not. (Supported : No, False) (Default : Yes/True) [By default, images will be kept even after conversion.]
--quality Tells the script about the image quality you want to download. (Supported Values : low/bad/worst/mobile/cancer) [By default, images will be downloaded in Highest Quality Available. No need to provide any option.]
-ml, --manga-language Selects the language for manga. 0 is English (Default) and 1 is Italian.
-sc, --skip-cache Forces to skip cache checking.
--comic Add this after -i if you are inputting a comic id or the EXACT comic name.
[ Ex : -i "Deadpool Classic" --comic ]
-comic-search, --search-comic Searches for a comic through the scraped data from
[ Ex : -comic-search "Deadpool" ]
-comic-info, --comic-info Lists all the information about the given comic (argument can be either comic id or the exact comic name).
[ Ex : -comic-info "Deadpool Classic" ] or [ Ex : -comic-info 3865 ]
--update Updates the comic database for the given argument.
[ Ex: --update "Deadpool Classic" ] or [ Ex: --update "" ]
-cookie, --cookie Passes a cookie to be used throughout the session.