Language Codes:

These codes correspond to the languages. So, just pass in these language codes, to download Manga/Comic in that language (only supported by few sites).

Language Code –> Language

0 --> English
1 --> Italian
2 --> Spanish
3 --> French
4 --> German
5 --> Portuguese
6 --> Turkish
7 --> Indonesian
8 --> Greek
9 --> Filipino
10 --> Polish
11 --> Thai
12 --> Malay
13  --> Hungarian
14 --> Romanian
15 -->  Arabic
16 --> Hebrew
17 --> Russian
18 --> Vietnamese
19 --> Dutch
20 --> Bengali
21 --> Persian
22 --> Czech
23 --> Brazilian
24 --> Bulgarian
25 --> Danish
26 --> Esperanto
27 --> Swedish
28 --> Lithuanian
29 --> Other

Note :

1.) Some websites like don’t let you view some pages if you’re not logged in. You’ll have to create an account and pass the login information to the script via -p and -u arguments.

2.) Since omgbeaupeep is uh… well, you just need to pass the absolute chapter numbers in the range section for that. For eg : Check out Richie Rich. If you want to download first 600 episodes, you would pass : –range 001-600. Just check the URLs for those chapters and pass accordingly.